A letter to myself – College Expenses.
Shailesh Vatsaraj
Dear ME – from the present, Congratulations on being accepted into your dream graduate course at a prestigious university! This is an exciting time in your life, and I’m proud of you for taking the initiative to pursue your dreams. As you embark on this new journey, it’s important to keep in mind the importance…
Bridge Course
Shailesh Vatsaraj
Have you given your std 10 boards? Are you confused about your career? Will you be able to cope up in Science stream? Is it possible to “try” a few topics before you jump in the भवसागर of Science? YES – With our bridge courses in Maths, Physics and Chemistry you can “TRY” the subject…
Algebra for ICSE students in 7 weeks
Shailesh Vatsaraj
Starting from the middle of April we shall begin a new series of articles discussing Algebra for ICSE 10th students. This series will take seven weeks to finish. Some weeks wold be busier and some would be tougher. Keep solving … Always remember रुक जाना नहीं तू कहीं हार के काँटों पे चलके मिलेंगे साये…
Circles Assignment
Shailesh Vatsaraj
Please solve these questions in a book and check your answers next week. This is Assignment 1 of 2 in Circles for Class 9. You should take about 60 minutes to solve this assignment without taking any help or reference textual, human or web. Question 1. Define the following and mark them in a circle:…
Study by QUANTITY and not by TIME
Shailesh Vatsaraj
“मै आज ५ घंटा पढाई किया” [I studied for 5 hours today]“परीक्षा की तैयारी के दौरान, तुमको कम से कम ८ घंटा पढना चाहिये. ” [During exam preparations, you need to study at least 8 hours a day]We all have heard statements like these in our student life. However, we feel that there is an…