• A Counseling Session with a Parent

    A Counseling Session with a Parent

    Question: What are some career opportunities in India for pursuing medical coursesCareer AdvisorPursuing a medical career in India offers numerous opportunities across various specializations. Here are some popular career paths in the medical field:Doctor (MBBS): Becoming a medical doctor requires completing a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree. After MBBS, you can specialize…

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  • A letter to myself – College Expenses.

    A letter to myself – College Expenses.

    Dear ME – from the present, Congratulations on being accepted into your dream graduate course at a prestigious university! This is an exciting time in your life, and I’m proud of you for taking the initiative to pursue your dreams. As you embark on this new journey, it’s important to keep in mind the importance…

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  • ChatGPT on Time Management

    ChatGPT on Time Management

    Me: Can you write the chapter “Time Management and Test-Day Preparation” ChatGPT :Certainly! Here is a sample chapter on “Time Management and Test-Day Preparation” for a book on Quantitative Aptitude for the GRE: Time Management and Test-Day Preparation The GRE Quantitative Aptitude section can be challenging, and effective time management is key to success on…

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  • Study by QUANTITY and not by TIME

    Study by QUANTITY and not by TIME

    “मै आज ५ घंटा पढाई किया” [I studied for 5 hours today]“परीक्षा की तैयारी के दौरान, तुमको कम से कम ८ घंटा पढना चाहिये. ” [During exam preparations, you need to study at least 8 hours a day]We all have heard statements like these in our student life. However, we feel that there is an…

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  • How to write a Examiner friendly paper

    How to write a Examiner friendly paper

    An examiner, who checks your board paper, gets paid a few rupees per paper corrected. He can afford to spend only a few minutes on your paper as he has a large bundle of papers to complete everyday. The answer sheet which he picks up is your answer sheet. It is the one for which…

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