• Algebra for ICSE students in 7 weeks

    Algebra for ICSE students in 7 weeks

    Starting from the middle of April we shall begin a new series of articles discussing Algebra for ICSE 10th students. This series will take seven weeks to finish. Some weeks wold be busier and some would be tougher. Keep solving … Always remember रुक जाना नहीं तू कहीं हार के काँटों पे चलके मिलेंगे साये…

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  • Reflection of Light – I

    Reflection of Light – I

    You should try a one minute quiz before you start reading What makes things visible?Reflected light which is received by our eyes, enables us to see things.Some common phenomena associated with light such as image formation by mirrors, the twinkling of stars, colors of a rainbow, bending of light by a medium etc. Laws of…

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