Dear ME – from the present,

Congratulations on being accepted into your dream graduate course at a prestigious university! This is an exciting time in your life, and I’m proud of you for taking the initiative to pursue your dreams.

As you embark on this new journey, it’s important to keep in mind the importance of financial discipline. While you have arranged for a student loan to cover your tuition and other college-related expenses, there are other expenses that you may not have anticipated.

First and foremost, housing is one of the biggest expenses that you’ll need to plan for. As you search for an apartment or other living arrangement, make sure to factor in the cost of rent, utilities, and any other related expenses. It’s also important to be mindful of the location of your housing, as living closer to campus may be more expensive.

Transportation is another expense that can quickly add up. Whether you have a car or rely on public transportation, make sure to budget for the cost of gas, parking, or bus/train passes. Additionally, if you plan on traveling home or to visit friends and family during breaks, make sure to factor in the cost of transportation for those trips as well.

Food and groceries are an expense that you’ll really need to plan for. Eating out can quickly become expensive, so it’s important to learn how to cook and prepare meals at home. Look for deals on groceries, and consider purchasing items in bulk to save money over time.

Health and wellness expenses can also add up. Make sure to budget for health insurance, co-pays, and over-the-counter medications. Additionally, consider investing in a gym membership or other fitness-related activities to stay healthy and active during your time in college.

Entertainment and leisure activities are important for maintaining a balanced lifestyle, but it’s important to budget for them wisely. Look for free or low-cost events on campus, and consider getting involved in clubs and organizations that align with your interests. Additionally, consider setting a budget for other entertainment expenses, such as going to the movies or attending concerts.

Personal care expenses, such as toiletries and grooming supplies, are also important to budget for. Look for deals on items such as shampoo and soap, and consider purchasing generic brands to save money over time.

Finally, it’s important to be prepared for emergencies. Set aside some money in a savings account to cover unexpected expenses such as car repairs or medical bills. Having a financial cushion can give you peace of mind and help you avoid taking on additional debt.

It’s also important to keep in mind the impact of inflation on your finances. Over time, the cost of living may increase, and you may need to arrange for more funds than you originally borrowed. Make sure to regularly review your budget and adjust it as necessary to account for any changes in your expenses.

Overall, I’m excited for you to start this new chapter in your life, and I’m confident that you’ll be able to manage your finances wisely. By being mindful of your expenses and setting a budget, you can ensure that you have the financial stability to make the most of your time in college.

Best of luck to you!

Yourself – from the future