• Your pillow will wake you up!

    Your pillow will wake you up!

    You must have seen this in many movies, the hero is having a wonderful dream. A loud ringing of the alarm wakes him up. He is shell-shocked and sits up on the bed with a heavy head in his palms. In another scene, we might see his mother shouting and pushing him out of the…

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  • Why do I have no time to study?

    Why do I have no time to study?

    Just think for a moment what if every morning a bank gave you ₹ 86,400 just like that! You could spend this money as you like but at the end of the day, whatever money left with you would simply vanish. What would you do in such a case ? Every day has 86,400 seconds…

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  • Read a Newspaper

    Read a Newspaper

    When we took our initial survey with students, there was one thing that we were really shocked with. The readership of newspapers among students is alarmingly low. As a result, every student is reduced to being a frog in the well. For the frog the world is his well. It does not know what is…

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  • Mother of all Study Techniques – SQRRR

    Mother of all Study Techniques – SQRRR

    Introduction Students always ask me कुछ ऐसा जुगाड़ बताओ के एक बार पढ के पूरा हो जाय ! – How to study effectively ?’ the answer is just one word – SQRRR! This is a time tested technique and a must for any Smart Student. Mastering this technique will help you increase your grasping power…

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  • Speed Read to Save time

    Speed Read to Save time

    How to Read Faster? One of the best ways to save time is to do speed reading. When you read fast, you can get a rough idea of what material is presented to be read. Remember, speed reading is not an alternative to normal reading, but actually an exercise to make normal reading more effective.How…

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